Honeybeez blog

or at least slow down………..

     I went through a party harty stage when I was in my late twenties and thirties.  I never had a desire to drink really or make it a career because being raised by an alcoholic parent I know what it does to people.  What drew me to these people was the fact that I felt comfortable around them due to my upbringing with people who over indulge.  I was lucky enough to have strict parents though, one who over indulged but still strict, and one who didn’t believe in drinking or smoking, or even wearing make up.  I was also lucky enough to not like the taste of most alcoholic beverages ……course by the third one….they taste…… not so bad.  But like I told someone I took a trip with a few years ago.  I want to do something different now.   Been there, done that.  I want to see the country and do things  outdoors.  My heart belongs to nature.  I really belong in the wilderness.  I am a Naturist. 

Here are some ways I used during that period to keep from becomming a alcoholic:

1)     Never drink alone or at least don’t make a habit of it.  A few sips of wine at    

         dinner is enough if you’re alone.  You don’t have to finish the bottle.  It

         won’t spoil.

2)     Buy something you don’t like the taste of.  This is a good tip for smokers too.

3)     Limit yourself to no more than three drinks.  Take your time.  It’s not a

         race.  There is plenty more where that came from. 

4)     Try to stay within the legal limit of drinks per your weight.  Check here: 


5)     Don’t get involved in a drinking contest.  It’s not cool in the long run.

6)     If you’re uncomfortable with who you are and you drink to get the nerve to 

         be more outgoing, go to a class or read a book.  Take some group hikes.  Get

         comfortable with who you are before you take on the drinking game.

7)     Make sure you eat at some point during the event.  I have known some

         alcoholics who go days without eating.  They literally live on alcohol

         alone……and alone is how they usually end up.

8)     Try to make friends with people who don’t consider drinking a way of life.

         I have known people who can’t do any kind of event without alcohol around.  Drinking to me is a recreational sport.  A drink or two here and there. Not a drunk or two everywhere.

{June 20, 2011}   This one looks like

a sweet man……….

     That is one of the many things that goes through my mind as I am looking at the picture profiles of men on single’s sites.   I find myself making remarks about what I think they want, how they are.  Does everyone do that?  You know like Wow!  What a loooker! Or he looks too young.  This one is too young.  This one sounds like a salesman.  This one is looking for a lady who doesn’t play games – good luck with that.  Aren’t we all looking for that?  You only get to look at a handful unless you sign up and that’s rare.  Then when you sign up if you happen to find one of the looker’s who enticed you, they haven’t been on the site  for a really long time.  My thought then is well he found someone.  Good for him!  I never had any luck with these dating sites.  I usually just look and don’t do anything.  I finally got myself out to meet a few several years ago.  It just doesn’t work that way for me.  I can’t pick someone from online.  We can write anything we want but is that really who we are or….. who we want to be?  I agreed to meet at a restaurant for breakfast once with  a guy from a single’s site.  There was absolutely no attraction at all for either one of us yet we had corresponded online.  Then I tried a couple of those ring around the table dating events….”Speed Dating”.  Fun but no hits there either.  I did meet one guy at a dance once and we were both attracted at first site…but he was just leaving and I had just arrived with a friend.  That’s still the best way to meet I think.  For me anyway.  While you’re out and about and it just happens.  I see stories a lot about people finding the love of their life with online dating so It does happen to some.  Anyway it gives us something to do.

{June 17, 2011}   How To Quit Smoking

Here are just a few tips on how to quit smoking:

1)     Go into a room or an establishment that does not allow smoking.  Note the

         clean air…….

2)     Take off your hat, coat, or scarf, or even your bag and leave it on a chair.

3)     Take a walk around the room or establishment and notice how clean 

         and fresh the air smells.

4)     Now come back to your chair where you left your article of wear or bag….

5)     As you approach your article, notice that unbearable stinch! 

6)     Try to realize how bad it really smells.  Did you figure out what’s causing it?

7)     Go back to your vehicle now to see if you notice the same horrible odor…..

8)     Do this several times until you figure out the culprit…….

9)     A heart felt suggestion si to – Stop Smoking!

10)   Kill three birds with one stone:  

          Save your health.

          Save lot’s of money.

          Have more friends.

Fun huh?

et cetera