Honeybeez blog

{July 19, 2011}   Wash Your Hands

     I know from past experience that it is important to wash your hands after touching things that many people touch, so I wash my hands as often as possible.  Any place that is frequented regularly by many different people.  It doesn’t mean the establishment is dirty, it only means, well we really don’t know where those people had their hands at before touching what we are about to touch.  It also helps prevent the spread of viruses, colds and disease such as eczema https://honeybeezblog.wordpress.com/2011/07/19/wash-your-hands/ which was passed around on a mouse to my daughter at work, then to me as she was using my computer at home.  It was hard to get rid of but finally I did through natural sources.  It was so long ago I don’t remember everything I tried but finally killed it with olive oil  mixed with other natural cures plus changes in diet.  I probably used the Duke’s”http://www.greenpharmacy.com/   remedies from his first book since his book,  was like my bible back then.  Still is.  He is the God of natural cures and always will be, in my book any way.

et cetera